Thursday, September 29, 2005

More fun at the Clay Cafe

More at the Clay Cafe; here's Nina, cousin of The Bride, working on a plate

and The Groom, with stepmother Judy to
his right, and her friends Sandy and Betty

Yona, the Butterfly Girl, and her mother Rebecca,
cousin in law to The Bride, decorate a coffee cup.

Yona paints!

Tom and Susan, parents of Kira the ring bearer, smile through pain--Tom drove in from Pennsylvania despite the first stages of the flue.

They can't paint, but Caleb and Joey, with proud dads Christopher and Carl (and sons of Rebecca and Nina) provide cuteness

To come (once the photos are processed!): the timeless treasures created at the Clay Cafe. It was all great fun, and a terrific way to celebrate with friends and family in a relaxed way!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Clay Cafe

After the rehearsal, the wedding party and family met at the Clay Cafe ( for the 'rehearsal dinner'--and to paint dishes as gifts for the wedding couple. TBTB and her party chowed down first.

as did Bobbie, MOTG, and his sister, Kathy

Usher Denise and Rev. Marie plan their piece

while ring bearer Kira paints away

TBTB engages in intense conversation

while Helen eats

and TBTB's Aunt Flavia creates

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

At the rehearsal

TBTB and TGTB nuzzle a bit while waiting

MOTB photographs the rehearsal lineup

POTB now have known TGTB for 5 days!

Helen, bridesmaid at POTB wedding, and Tom arrive from New Jersey

Navy Wedding Rehearsal and Clay Cafe

The rehearsal pulls everybody together for the first time: the Wedding Party assembles -- minus groomsman Dave, replacing groomsman Al, trapped in Biloxi by Hurricane Katrina (we tried asking FEMA for help getting him out--but got no response!)

TBTB and TGTB share a laugh with Rev. Marie